Our first illustrated short story

We are proud to announce that we have a new format: HoH short stories. We want to regularly feature funny, thought-provoking, interesting, and hopeful stories from everyday lives of Hard of Hearing people. We want to tell YOUR stories. Therefore, if you have your own short story to share, please write to us! Either in the comment section or to mic@ifhohyp.org.

In the first issue, we feature Bowen, IFHOHYP’s president, on his difficult and brave journey of becoming a HoH teacher. Please enjoy and let us know what you think in the comments.

To learn more about Bowen’s adventures as math teacher, read our interview with him here: /all/math-is-hot-queen-of-all-sciences/

Great thanks to the artist Mimi Chio for this fantastic work!

Leonie von Berlin