Our members
- Armenia - The Voice of Silence
- Czech Republic - Česká Unie Neslyšících
- Denmark - Høreforeningen (HF)
- Finland - Kuuloliitto Ry
- Finland - Svenska Hörselförbundet R.F.
- Georgia - Aures Foundation
- Germany - Bundesjugend
- The Netherlands - Sh-Jong
- Poland - Suita
- Russia - FADCY
- Sweden - Unga Hörselskadade
- Switzerland - Jugehörig
- Turkey - Happy Faces
- Turkey - IED
- Bangladesh - Bangladesh Hard of Hearing Association
- Israel - Bekol
- Mongolian Federation of Health and Education Promotion for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
- Nepal - SHRUTI
- Philippines - HOHGP
North America: