Study Session 2021 – a great success!

Study Session 2021 – What a challenge but also what a great success! IFHOHYP’s and Council of Europe’s Study Session 2021 in June was, for the first time, completely online. While this made life of the prep team harder, it also posed a great opportunity: Never before have young people from so many places across the world participated (34 applications from 19 countries). The highly diverse group spent one week of interactive lessons, discussions, and lectures to approach the ultimate goal: Becoming strong leaders for their community and advocate for Hard of Hearing rights. And having a lot of fun (which hopefully succeeded).

Sounds awesome and you want to try it too? Stay tuned, we will soon announce information about Study Session 2022!

Thanks to the great organizing team of Andrei (Romania), Kave (Sweden), Kevin (Switzerland), Maria (Poland), Mastulah (Uganda), Nicole (Canada), Paulina (IFHOHYP liaison) and and Nik (representing CoE).

Here some impressions from the event:

Advantages of being HoH? Yes, there are plenty!
Miro – the virtual whiteboard where everyone can be creative together











  During the virtual organisation fair participants showcased their home organisation



Leonie von Berlin